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Communication & Media


Writing and communication management services are used by UN, EU, and other institutional websites, publications, films, and social media news.


Communication skillsets are employed to boost visibility of client interests such as optimising governance of public and private sector policy for food chains, sustainable tourism, climate, environment, economic development, and other thematic areas including islands, financing, nutrition, and social welfare.


Services create and run international institutional communication strategies and campaigns (including content and KPI coordination) using online or event-based storytelling and networking for public and private sectors.


Technical expertise produces professional video and photojournalism features for specified target audiences telling policy, programme or project stories analysing growth, development, sustainability, inclusion, and resilience.

Examples of work with communications and media



  • Content producer and senior communication advisory services with the European Commission's Contact Point for the EU Common Agricultural Policy Network (formerly European Network for Rural Development). Expertise provides communication strategy advice, storytelling research, analysis, and communication of good EU practice approaches for agri-food, rural tourism, environment, and community development policy via video and web publications covering close to 400 billion euros of EU donor finance.


  • Communication officer with the European Commission Joint Research Centre 6th Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) Foresight study concerning: Pathways in transition for resilient European agriculture and food systems in times of global crises exploring healthy and sustainable diets, circularity, and diversity.


  • Technical editorial support for materials published by the United Nations Development Programme in The Maldives, such as updates on the Values in Crisis Survey assessing pandemic impacts on society in terms of crisis response and perceptions, aspirations for democracy and good governance, politics, national identity culture, diversity, and subjective well-being. 


  • Strategic Communications Advisor for the Uzbekistan Ministry of Agriculture and Team Europe through the EU assistance for Uzbekistan Agri-Food Development Strategy 2020-2030 Agriculture Support and Knowledge Facility, including embedding a national strategic communication framework (covering targeting, messaging, channels, content, KPIs) as well as the provision of website design and video production services.





  • Quality control inputs on FARNET communication products highlighting good practice approaches to using EU marine and fisheries funding.





  • News photographer for London-based international yellow press agency, Nunn Syndications.



  • Photo darkroom technician for The Lab in Hong Kong and The Image Machine in Scotland.

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